Saturday, August 2, 2014

Sunday Afternoons

We usually have lots of company on Sunday afternoons.  After church we invite who ever.  Often it's young people.  Usually Charity comes over.  She often makes ice cream and we have a dinner of homemade ice cream.  She makes it with honey and we top it with nuts and stuff.  So it's not too bad of a dinner.  We usually sit around and play music, sing and drink tea then all afternoon.
This is Kootenai river not far from the house.

Straight up is the name of the youth group.  I am on the youth group staff.  The boys are in the student leadership.  The youth group and staff are like family. 

Once a month the youth lead the music at church on Sunday morning.  Mark is on the key board  (if you look close you can see him through the plastic ) and helps lead the singing, James in on the grand piano!

This is Monica as her recital

This is a typical Sunday after church at our house. Actually this Sunday there were a few extra, I think I counted 22.

Our drive way


Kendra's 16th birthday

Kendra, Gina, Lynette, Martha and Miriam

Brianna, Genae ( friends) , Mark, Kendra, Paul, Lynette

Friday, August 1, 2014

Birth Room and my stock

 I don't think I make much money on resale, but I really enjoying having something  to give people to help prevent problems or make them healthier.
I sell Vitamins, Better then Greens, Essential oils, Tinctures.

This is the birth room.  It's above the garage attached to the house.  It's actually a really nice set up.  

Tiled jacuzzi tub in the birth room.

James learning Parkour

James is flipping, climbing, standing on his hands.......
He's getting quite good at it all!