I have been taking the Dave Ramsey Financial freedom course. It's a 13 week course. I didn't miss a class! I loved it. I really haven't been able to apply a whole lot yet so I can be financially free. But I have the vision, and even though it will be a slow process I'm working towards it. Freedom from financial worries! Can't wait!
Last night was the last class.
Each week they have been giving away $50 and one book.
This last week, if you made it to at least 11 classes you were put in the drawing for $1000.
I never did get my name picked, but last night I did win a book because they gave away about 10 of them.
Then the people that won the $1000 happened to be the one couple that I would visit with each week. She told me before they left home they had decided if they won the $1000 that they wanted to share it with me. So they gave me $200!
I came away feeling so blessed. Just that feeling that the Lord is with you and just wants to bless you for fun. That was a fun night.
I would highly recommend that class to anyone. I think it should be a requirement for the high school children to go through too. It would be so much easier to start out right, rather then having to fix all the problems afterwards.
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