Saturday, June 21, 2008

filter queen vaccum and filter

We just had a salesman leave. It was interesting.
I said they could come because they offered me, 2 Lg pizzas, 2 movie tickets, $50 gas card and motel room for 2 nights. Well that disappointingly was a bit deceptive. The pizza and gas card was a rebate deal. Had to go to the movies 8 times, pizza only if you went to the movies on the same day. The gas was also $10 rebates 5 times.
So instead I choose 2 fishing poles for the boys, and a garden set. Not quite the same, but I didn't think the others would pan out.
Anyways the demonstration was very interesting. All the dirt in our air, how normal vacuums work, all the dirt in our coach was awful. It makes you sick.
It seems like it would be a healthy thing to have, but it's hard to imagine spending over $2000 for a vacuum and a air cleaner. It was a package deal.
But on the other hand he proved how much dirt goes back into the air after you vacuum with a normal vacuum. With falter queen it actually filters the air. only .01 % goes back into the room. well life is ruff, we will have to suffer with dust I guess.
I haven't been as happy with the Dyson as I thought I would be. It clogs up and doesn't suck as well as it did.
So our exciting day with our salesman.
Anyone want to see it? If I give him 6 referrals, and 2 people buy, then I get either a new pots and pan set or a air purifier. Let me know, I can send the man your way!! :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm very glad you enjoyed the salesmen and got great information on how sickly a home can really be without a FilterQueen. If you'd like more product information and helpful service please visit: For

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