Rick and James are going to California for almost a week. James doesn't ever remember meeting his grandparents! We just realized this a little while ago. They are now in their 80's and we thought we better make it a priority. They were here for a visit 7 yrs ago, when James was only 2 yrs old.
So James is going to California with his Daddy. He's never been on an airplane, has never seen his Grandparents house, etc. He was so excited. It was so fun to watch him. He counted the days down to his trip. Started packing a month ahead. Couldn't sleep the night before. I sent my camera with him, so he could take lots of pictures.
Sometimes it's so hard to come up with money for things like trips. We don't usually think of a trip as a necessity, and so it gets put aside. But the family ties, the excitement of little boys, visiting and enjoying time with parents. How can we put a price on these things. Yet where does the money come from? Well thankfully my little Dakota project paid for this trip.
So what am I going to do with my time with Rick and James gone?
I'm trying to decide if I should go hang out in Kalispell or should I finish a house project, or maybe start another! LOL.
The next mom due is having a lot of "warm up contractions" That's what they call false labor now a days. I'm tending to think I should stay close to home until she delivers.
I'm going to look at a foreclosure today. I need something to make some steady income. I figured our budget and our income right now pays our bills, buys food and some gas, but leaves no money for anything else. Like clothes, household items, repairs, upkeep of cars or house, piano lessons etc. So midwifery has to make some money for these things.
Besides I want to pay someone to come and clean my house once in a while. Lol, I wish!
But it would be nice not to have to stress over every single little purchase or repair. At least I understand why we can so easily get into debt if we are not really watching things.
I hope he had fun! Did he get delays on the way back?