My projects are going extremely slow. My life has been so busy, and I have so much to do that I have to be content with everything going very slow.
My weeks are busy even without births.
Monday is a normal day, Rick drives children to school in morning, then I drive Jon in at 11:00, do town errands, go home and do a few hours of homemaking, then pick up children at school at 3:15, then it was Jon at 5:30 after football. But Jon's done with sports for a month or so. That is a slow day.
Tue, we add Mark's Singing lesson, ( he was invited to be in a special choir) and pathfinders in the evening.
Wed is prenatal day and piano lessons, so we are gone all day till 5 at least.
Thur is another "slow" day like Monday, except now I'm adding a women's bible study to my list. and Fri children get out at 12 noon, so we usually can catch up with a bit of stuff.
When I have births it uses up the free days or other days, besides the births, there is a ton for paper work, birth certificates, newspapers announcements, waivers to fill out, newborn screen test, laundry, supplies to order, tools to sterilize, another kitchen to clean, etc.
So back to the boys room, (now you can see why it's so hard to get anything done).
I am determined to finish this room before I go on to another.
We moved the bed in last night, found some matching comforters at Kmart on sale. Still need to put trim around the floor. We need to change the light fixture and then just figure out how we are going to organize everything so the room can stay clean. That should be fun.
This is before painting
Here's our stripped walls!
Their new matching bed set
It looks really nice! That was a great place to put the bed!