Well my relaxing week went on. The snow has been so heavy that no one could drive from Kalispell to Libby. So Kendra, Nettie and Hans have been with us all week. Besides Gareth, Mishael and Cody here much of the time. Someone should be coming to get the children tomorrow when there is supposed to be a break in the storm.
Well they have all been having a great time, staying up very late every night, getting up very late, running like wild Indians, shoveling snow, washing dishes and baking.
Yesterday we made the dough for gingerbread men. We never got a chance before Christmas. It was fun to watch them all cutting out cookies today. They are all pretty good cooks and they are old enough now to clean up too. For dinner we made baked fried chicken dinner, with mashed potato's, green beans, fruit cocktail. Boy did everyone like that.
Well when there are so many little children at the dinner table, conversations can get pretty silly. So I try to guide the conversation. We started with "what do you want to be when you grow up?" Then we went to"what is your favorite subject in school?" We also told a story one sentence at a time. One person says a sentence, and then the next person adds one more sentence to the story, etc. The story always gets really silly. We made some rules, "no dying, no sinful acts" otherwise the story's go really weird. In this story it started out with the nice kid that like baseball was sprayed by a pink elephant, and eventually had his leg bit off by a shark, which kept them all in laughter. They can't help be silly I suppose.
So I thought I would write down what they all said they want to be when they grow up, and 10 yrs from now we can look back and see if any of them stick out their childhood ideas.
Monica would like to be a pediatric surgeon, favorite subject is Math.
Nettie would like to be a Doctor and go to other country's helping people, telling them about Jesus. Favorite subject: Math
Hans, would like to be an electrician and a chef, favorite subject is Math.
Kendra would like to be a dancer, and an artist. Favorite subject is reading and then Math.
Mark would like to be a Doctor and favorite subject is for sure Math.
James would like to work at Disney land, designing new rides, and he would like to be a pilot also. James also loves Math.
So you can see we definitely have a thing about Math in our family. Rick, Maria, Moriah, Gina, Monica, Mark and James all love math. Not just do OK in it, but they actually love math. They think it's fun to figure out problems, just for fun. I like math with a calculator, but not so much all the higher math. I can't remember how much Michael and Martha like it. I think they like reading/writing more.