Thursday, September 20, 2007

bears, skunks and cold

I suppose fall is truly here. I knew this summer would go fast with the trip to the Philippines. We are already needing to run our heaters. It's hard to imagine just a few weeks ago how hot I was.

When I got home, I was informed of the bear getting into the trash almost every night. so every night Frisky was barking away and trash was everywhere.
I called the fish and wildlife and they brought me a nice bear proof trash can.
Jon has seen it a couple of times, and we keep trying to get a good picture, but he usually come s around in the night.
So what was really surprising is that there was one at the birth center! It was in the trees behind the house. (the birth center is in the center of town)
Here's the picture and article from the local newspaper. This bear made front page!
So one evening we were looking for the bear and instead we found a skunk! It was right nicest the the house, and Frisky was barking like crazy. Of course we got her in the house.
Life is always interesting at our house!

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