Wednesday, December 10, 2008

run, run, run

Another day of running around!  We have so many things going this December.  A play at church, a play at school, pathfinders, piano recitals and lessons, Mark's Choir, Jon's basket ball and Gina has a choir performance in Bozeman.  So last night Rick and the children had play practice for church and Mark had a choir performance, Rick had a radio meeting, and 2 children had a pathfinders meeting.  (pathfinders is like a boy/girl scout club) Plus we are trying to get ready to leave for our  little family vacation.  So I ran some kids to one place, picked up someone else, went back and dropped off one kid here and the other 2 somewhere else, then back to watch a performance!
We leave tonight right after Rick gets home from work.
Our plans are to drive to Moriah's tonight and watch old family movies with my sister and some of the girls.  Today is one year since my mom moved on to heaven.  So we thought we would all spend some time together eating Italian sandwiches, and watching home movies.
Thur morning we will leave for Helena, the state capital.  Here we plan on taking a tour through the capitol, the "governors mansion", the catholic cathedral, and go ride a carousel.
Then we will spend the night with Miriam in Butte.  
Fri we are off to a cabin we rented close to Bozeman, where we will have a winter BBQ.  Then off to see Gina sing.
Sat our plan is to go see the Dinosaur museum.  James is very, very excited about this.  Sat evening we again hear Gina's choir and take off right away towards home.  We hope to at least make it to Kalispell that night, as Sunday we have to  be at the church here in Libby by 2:30 for the church play and another performance for Mark Sunday evening.  
Isn't it a crazy life I lead!  At least I have no babies due!
So I better get off to work, packing clothes, food, bedding.  

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