Monday, December 22, 2008

winter update

The snow is coming down in nice powdery flurries.  It's so pretty.
It's very dry snow that doesn't stick together very well.
Well today the children and I are heading to Kalispell in this winter wonderland.  I'm wondering if this is wise!  We are going to spend the night so we can drive during the day.  Since these are the shortest days of the yr, it gets dark by 5 pm and doesn't get light till after 8 am.  
The plan is today we do our shopping, Costco, Lowe's, Kmart, Glasses ( I need glasses).  Tomorrow we go to June's to make ravioli's.  The girls are coming over too and we will make as many as we can. If we don't make enough Tue then we will make more on Christmas Eve up here.  It's the tradition.
We have a few more traditions too.  Like Apple cake for dessert.  I'm not sure why, we just started that years ago and we do it every year.  An anti-pasta platter.  This is usually beautiful. with olives, salami, peppers and cheese etc.  We snack on this all day, and eat our raviolis later.  
We also have a wonderful punch we make every year.  We used to have a shwan's man come by.  they gave us the basis for this recipe and we changed it around.  It's got a little cinnamon in it, plus some cranberry sauce.  You freeze it and it's a little slushy. 
We have also decided that finger foods are for Christmas Eve.  So I made some Calazone's last night.
We tried to make a gingerbread nativity scene, but my dough was not cooperating.  So we just ended up with some yummy gingerbread cookies.

So it's true I lost my camera.  :(  I am so sad about it.  I had been thinking it's probably getting to be time to get a new one anyways, as this one was getting pretty old, and I was having trouble with blurry pictures.  But I don't have the money right now for one.   It was a future thought. How am I going to make it without a camera through Christmas.  Plus all our pictures from our trip are gone and Mark's singing in the choir.  The blog and my camera have become my journal.  I'm hoping someday to be able to print it all out and have a photo journey of our lives for our great, great grandchildren.  I just think how I would love to read and see a journal like this of my great, great grandmother. 
Well it's 8:17 am and I'm finally seeing some daylight.  It's really snowy out there.  Wonder if I should leave my cozy home to drive 100 miles, shop in crazy stores...... but then this evening we plan to watch an old movie at Martha's in her nice cozy house.  Maybe I should buy a camera instead of my glasses!  :)  Priority's you know!  lol.

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