We are very, very slowing getting somewhere on our upstairs project We moved Jon out of his little bedroom and let him take Gina's room. Not that she is officially moved out, but she is hardly ever home either.
So we are making the little room upstairs the official guest room. I'm really excited about it. Because it's going to be one clean, organized room in the house. It will always stay clean! :)
It will be ready for company at a moments notice!
It's a really little room, maybe 7 x 10 feet. But it will fit a queen size bed and a dresser in it. So in the 4 drawer dresser I'm going to put:
1. company towels (yellow). By giving them their own color everyone knows they are only for company.
2. pillow cases
3. queen sheets
4. twin sheets.
Then I got a little end table with 6 little drawers in it. In these drawers I'm putting:
1. stamps, stationary (do you remember what that is?) It's not in style anymore and hard to find, and pens.
2. tooth brushes, toothpaste, baby powder, mouth wash etc.
3. birthday cards
4. thank you notes and blank notes
5. misc cards
6 envelopes
Not that all these have anything to do with company. I just lay in bed sometimes and think how I can organize my house. One day I came up with this idea how to organize cards so they would be easier to find and send one. I thought of little boxes or drawers and was looking for one. I think the guest room is a good place to keep this little drawer with my card organization idea.
On the top of the dresser will go some thing pretty and a bible.
That's all that will be in this room. Nothing to mess up, easy to keep clean.
We (Jon actually) is putting laminate floor in tomorrow.
Anyways, back to the paint subject. I found a really neat trick.
Tint your primer. It made it so much easier. I wish I had done this in the living room.
I had to do so many coats in the living room because the white kept showing through. If the primer was tinted I wouldn't have had this problem. It was so easy to to paint in this little room. In my living room I get little scratches in the paint, if my primer was tinted I bet only the deep scratches would show.
So take my advise and ask them to tint your primer. I actually tinted the primer a little darker then my paint. Not on purpose, but I was making a quick decision as I was tired of Walmart. Well my quick decision was a great one this time.