Wednesday, September 24, 2008

birthday and baby

I had a wonderful day!
I must have been missing family. About 2 or 3 weeks ago I emailed everyone and asked if they could come to my birthday. It was sort of weird to plan and invite people for my own party. But I really wanted to see family. So I had been planning this ahead for a long time. 9 of the 11 children came and all the grandchildren.
I still had 2 lady's over due and as much as I wanted them to have their babies, I was asking God for the one day for me to be able to be with everyone. Sat someone called and said they just feel awful, but they are not in labor. "feeling awful" is usually a pre-labor sign! sigh........Sure enough Sunday morning at 2:30 I get a call “she says, do you want to deliver this baby so you can still have your time with your family?” So I head to the birth center. She labored so nicely all night, and as time ticked away I’m thinking “ can I make it to my own birthday party?” Well she had the baby about 8:30 am. Sherry and Karen were there, and the mom was doing so well, she had already been up and showered and was waiting till she could leave for home.
So I left, went to church with the family (almost fell asleep), Went home and had a wonderful roast beef dinner. All 11 children were there except Gina and Miriam. All the grandchildren. It was so much fun. I gave a little presents to everyone, showed them our new investment house, did a personality test and normal for our family, everyone talked, interrupted, and talked some more. We always have so much to say and catch up on.
The personality test was fun, it was one that was related to how we work with people. Rick and I are total opposites. Maria and Mishael or more like Rick. Moriah and I are very close. I wondered how Maria would be seeing she is so logical yet emotional.
Michael gave me a funny card, about chocolate, and of course a box of chocolates. Moriah made me a framed picture with Eric, Joe and her. Maria gave me a gift card for TJ max, because she knows I like household items. Martha gave me a book on tape (another sister chick’s) chocolate, and more, plus Rick's parents gave me $100. I always enjoy that $100. I love to buy a new quilt for my bedroom every couple of yrs. That's what I will probably do this yr.
I got to hear every ones opinions on carpet color too. I love to have every ones opinions.
So even though the baby was born on my birthday, the Lord still provided me with a wonderful birthday.

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