Friday, September 12, 2008

Radical but fun day with 2 births!

We ended up having 4 lady's due all at the same time. Actually 3 were over due and one is never late. So we were expecting yet still hoping that they will give us a brake between births.
With my house still black from the fire, the garage cleaning still not done, a house in the works for an investment, Gina's home leave, Miriam needing to borrow Rick's car, my Toyota van broke (although Toyota gave me a rental van), to say the least we have tons going on right now, including all these births.
So the first laboring mom called 7 am Thursday. She's a first time mom, so we knew we had time. Her contractions didn't really kick in till after midnight. But we were pretty much up all night taking heart tones, and filling tubs, and giving instructions.
When we are tired we do the funniest things. I had fallen asleep for a little while and woke up to go get Heart tones on the baby. The mom was in the pool when I last was in the room. So I walk in the room sort of sleepy and no one is in the pool. I see her lying on the floor. I say out loud, "there you are, lying on the floor, on your back even"
I sit down next to her and I'm about to pull off her covers, but I think, it doesn't even look like she's pregnant, this is so weird. Suddenly I realize that she's in the bathroom and it's the husband laying on the floor! I almost took FHT on the husband!
So during her labor about 10 pm I get a call from another mom that says she is in labor. I told her to try to sleep and see if it's the real thing. She called me back and midnight and said it's the real thing. Ok, here goes, we need our 2nd room birth fro the 1st time ever. Her birth went great and she had a nice big baby boy!
Well then we went back to the other birth. I had some huge decisions to make and I was pleased I made good decisions in the end.
2 hours later this family also had a nice big healthy boy.

So something I was always worried about of 2 people in labor at once, turned out tot be great. We were all there, I had enough towels and supplies, we even had time to sterilize instruments in between.
It was fun! It reminded me of being at Casa.
These are the kinds of births you walk away from saying "I love being a midwife"
So we still have 2 more to go this month. Oct is another busy month too.

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