We had another birth last week. It was another butter birth! This baby would smile really big at only a few hours old. It wasn't your normal "gas" type smile, it was a real smile that went on for a little bit. His parents were able to get quite a few pictures of him smiling! He must have been happy to be out in the light!

Well we will miss Gina (in Peru) Michael (across the US), and Moriah and Joe (going to Joe's parents) But it sounds like a few people are bringing some extra company so it will be a nice full house. Without a couch in the living room! I'll explain:
We have been going at house projects like crazy. I think Rick is getting overwhelmed at the change. There are people that like change, but others that it's really is hard for them.
I change my living room around probably every few months. I remember putting some children almost in tears from a simple change like that.
So my front door got put in yesterday. It's beautiful!
We moved the couch up to the family room and it's a little snug, but cozy. This is why we have no couch in the living room. We didn't know if it was too big. Jon was sure he could do it and so he took control and Mark and Jon lifted that heavy sofa sleeper up the stairs! Amazing what boys can do when they want to. It does come apart some, but the sleeper part is still VERY heavy.
The floor got put in the dining room/back entrance yesterday. I was a bit disappointed, because I thought it was going to look more like real wood. It's still nice, and extremely sturdy. It will last longer then the house if someone wants it that long. But it's just not as pretty as I thought it would be. But I still really like it. Today he's putting in the carpet. Our whole house is becoming a "fancy", finished house. We haven't lived in a finished house for about 20 yrs! Well since I like house projects, maybe it will never be finished. Or maybe if it really gets all nice and finished I'll have to start on the birth center. That would be good. I wonder if I put money into that, how much it could go up in value. ???
Cody has been up every weekend working on his house. I am very happy to report that he and Mishael decided to move back to Libby. Some people will probably think of them as flaky. They might be a bit, but as a Mom and Grandma I am very happy. I am very lonely for my children lately. My visits down there have been busy and short lately. Everyone is so busy with their own lives too. I know this is natural, healthy and normal, but none this less I missing everyone. Now with Michael moving too, we have none of the grown children close by. So Mishael and Cody are finally finishing their house and it's very cute, and brand new looking. Mishael can transfer her job and Cody can go to school up here and I can watch Gareth grow up and cook with Mishael and she can come to my childbirth classes. As you can see I'm glad they are a little flaky! lol.
Can't wait to show you some pictures, but you could probably guess, I lost my computer cord again. :) It's not really lost, it's around and I'm sure it will show up soon. I read once how much time the average person spends looking for misplaced items, it was an incredible amount of time! I'm guessing I'm above average!
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